Hello Gorgeous!

Sharing life through my inspiration…

Auld Lang Syne December 21, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — Chantel Horn @ 9:46 pm

So, I know the idea of “New Year’s Resolutions” are a bit cliché and usually end in disappointment but it doesn’t stop us from making them. There is something magical about the new year. It’s a fresh start. Something about watching that ball drop makes you think you can turn all around starting…NOW. And then we wake up. For some of us, it is another day. Nothing special…nothing different. But for some of us, it is the fresh start we’ve been pining for since about June, and  we bust out of the New Year’s gate with gusto. Most of my resolutions don’t even last the month of January but I still find making them and writing them down very therapeutic. It gives me hope. So, here goes. New Year’s Resolutions for 2012 starting…NOW!

1)Blog more…here’s hoping inspiration finds me this year

2)Learn to use a sewing machine. I know it’s a little stereotypical for a woman to do the sewing and the mending for the family but I really want to be that woman. I want to do crafty projects for my girls and just allow creativity to take me to new heights. Let’s see if 8th grade home-ec classes stuck.

3)Get baptized. I have expressed the interest to my pastors and I hope to be baptized in the Summer of 2012. The plan is to be baptized in the lake my brother was baptized in but we’ll see. Where it happens doesnt matter in the end. What it means does.

4)Get healthier. I know I am the only one on the face of the planet to make this resolution so hopefully I can find some support…

5) Tone the sarcasm down a bit 🙂 See #4

6) Lighten up. I seem to have this preconceived  notion of what I’m “supposed” to be and when I fall short of it in any way, whether it be work, motherhood, my walk with Christ,and personal relationships I beat myself up to the Nth degree thus making myself and others miserable. I’m going to try my hardest to just be ME and not beat myself up every time I screw up.

7)Make more time for my girls. I always try to do my best in this area but with all things, there is always room for improvement. I know I tend to let my own tiredness get in the way of being the best mommy I can be. I really want to change this.

8)Start running again. I used to “run” before my girls were born…and I use the term “run” quite loosely but I did enjoy it when I did it. Clears my head and gets me healthy.

9)Make time to get crafty. I love to create. Scrapbooking, painting, arts and crafts in general. I really want to try to make time to get really good at being crafty. Maybe I can open a shop on Etsy and make lots of money. Hey, a girl can dream, right? But seriously, I want to create a legacy. I want my girls admire my skills and I want it to be something we can share together.

10) Let go of the past. Sometimes I lie awake at night thinking about people who have done me wrong. Things that were said, things that weren’t said and 95% of the time, I blame myself…even though I know it wasnt all my fault. I replay events from 10 years ago in my head and think about how I could have handled myself differently, what I could have said to make that person like me, etc instead of just letting go. This year, I want to let go. I want the hurt to be gone. I want to forgive and forget.

I can keep going but I don’t want this post to last forever. Just remember, it’s not about the resolutions that you make and keep, it’s about the changes you actually make. New year, new start. Enjoy it and don’t beat yourself up if you have a bump or two or even a failure along the way. Through God, all things are possible. Knowing that is better than any resolution successfully kept and achieved.



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