Hello Gorgeous!

Sharing life through my inspiration…

Hello Gorgeous! July 25, 2011

Filed under: Intro,Kids — Chantel Horn @ 5:03 pm

Why “Hello Gorgeous”? I chose this title as this is the first thing I say to each of my girls every morning. Not exactly sure how the tradition started but I know I mean it every single day. My girls are the inspiration for this blog because without them, I would have nothing to write about. I wouldn’t know the best way to get a baby on a schedule.  I would never know what “Yo Gabba Gabba” was or the dance moves to the “Fresh Beat Band” final song. I would not have war stories about childbirth or potty training. Without them, I would not be ME.  So, let’s meet my girls, shall we?

This is Charlotte Rose. Charlotte came into our lives on March 28th, 2008. Quite the impatient child, she decided to grace us with her presence 3 weeks ahead of schedule. She holds onto her impatient nature today. She is a sensitive child, crying at the drop of hat every time you raise your voice. She’s also very sweet and silly…when she gets to know you that is. We try to not use the word “shy” around her as that’s what EVERY parenting magazine, book, blog, etc tell you but I just don’t know how else to describe her.Perhaps “cautious” would be a good description. She has recently taken up dance which has really brought her out of her shell. She can sing the entire soundtrack of “Hairspray” and we definitely see Broadway in her future.


This is Carrigan Jean. There are three words that best describe this child and they are “Happy Go Lucky”. We would also accept “Easy Going”. Carrigan came into our lives May 11, 2010 after a lot of coaxing. She was only 4 days late but I’m sure she would have stayed there longer if we would have let her. She always has that cheesy grin on her face but she can throw a temper tantrum with the rest of them. This girl seems to be going through life at a sprint…much to my dismay. She’s our little daredevil…always climbing on furniture, climbing the stairs, trying to swim by herself underwater. You give her something to try and she will. She is a little ray of sunshine in our hectic lives and she reminds all to slow down and smell the roses.

I know I am a blessed woman. I have two beautiful daughters and I am married to a man I love more and more every single day. With this said, I cannot guarantee this blog will be all peaches and cream because let’s face it…marriage and motherhood can be hard. Why should we lie about this? It doesn’t mean we love our families less. It just means we’re human. I’m not exactly sure what this blog will bring or if I’ll even have any followers but I hope I can touch someone with my posts.

Well, I am out for now…I will post again soon. Blessings!