Hello Gorgeous!

Sharing life through my inspiration…

Sentimental Journey October 12, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — Chantel Horn @ 9:02 pm

So my sentimental side came out in a big way tonight in the most peculiar way and I want to share it with you. It all started with a tight ballet slipper…
So I have been noticing that Charlotte’s ballet slippers had been getting harder to put on so I figured the time had come to order new shoes. No big deal. Well, the time came to make the order and the young lady at the counter asked me if I would like the studio to try to sell Charlotte’s barely used slippers on consignment. The frugal money saving mom side of me answered without thinking and before I knew it, Charlotte’s very first pair of dance shoes were gone. Driving home, I had a sinking feeling that left me feeling sick. The sentimental mom in me was coming out in full force. I tried to push it out of my mind but something happend at dinner that broke my heart.

“Mommy, I miss my dance shoes.”

With that I was grabbing my keys and running out the door. I drove back to the studio and sheepishly approached the same young lady and asked for the slippers. I explained my position but I don’t think I had to. She totally understood. I’m not even sure what I’ll do with them but I do know when they resurface from the bottom of a keepsake box I will have a great story to go with them.
I know I’m not the only sentimental mommy out there. I hope the rest of you enjoyed my tale. Glad I could share. Blessings to you all. We’ll talk again soon.


2 Responses to “Sentimental Journey”

  1. Brenda Says:


    Every mom is sentimental about so many things, different to each of us. That is why I still have several boxes of clothes my children wore when they were in early childhood, because the memories attached to them are somehow more tangible when I pull out those Osh Kosh overalls. Here’s my own sentiments when transforming my daughter’s childhood room this summer.

    You can always get rid of dance shoes……later.


  2. Sarah Says:

    I have heard that you can get things like that bronzed to save. I’m not sure how much it costs, but that would be a neat way to preserve them.

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